Five Element Treatments
Acupuncture treatment involves the use of tiny sterile needles to stimulate specific points on the body. Unlike other styles of acupuncture, needles are rarely left in the body during five-element acupuncture treatment and I remain in the room at all times to ensure your safety and comfort.
Phone Consultation
15 mins - Free
Not sure if acupuncture is for you? I'm happy to chat to you about your condition and any concerns you might have regarding treatment. Book a 15 min, no obligation chat prior to coming to the clinic.
Consultation and First Appointment
90 mins-2 hours, £80
During the first consultation, we will discuss your main concerns along with your medical history, lifestyle and any further issues which may need addressing during the treatment. I will give the first acupuncture session after which I will recommend a unique treatment plan for your specific needs.
Follow Up Treatments
45 mins-1 hour, £65
I will ask for your feedback each session to understand how you have responded to the previous treatments. The session is then planned and given based on this individual feedback.
Health Insurance
As a member of the Acupuncture Association, a BAF registrant, I am covered by a number of policies. However, please check directly with your insurer before your appointment that your policy covers BAF registrants as many insurers do not cover acupuncture.
"Emma's manner and treatment is excellent - enquiring but not prying, supportive but not indulgent. I saw her initially to see if she could help relieve a period of feeling 'out of sorts'. After her treatment I would sleep better and feel lifted, and the ill feeling left."
Charlotte, Hertfordshire.