Classical Five-Element Acupuncture
Classical Five-Element Acupuncture is an ancient and unique form of medicine. It has been practised for thousands of years, passed down over generations from master to apprentice.
Classical Five-Element Acupuncture considers the whole being, taking mind, body and spirit into account in its approach. The focus is not on treating symptoms but instead identifying and treating the root cause of the symptom or illness.
Many people discover acupuncture because they are looking for a natural, safe way to get well. You may have been diagnosed with an illness and be seeking something to complement western medical treatment. You may be looking to regain physical or mental wellbeing or to find peace and balance in your life. You may be looking to optimise and maintain your health or fertility. Whatever your reason for considering treatment it is very likely that Classical Five-Element Acupuncture can benefit you. Please get in touch to find out more.
About Emma
I am an acupuncturist practicing Classical Five-Element Acupuncture. My interest in acupuncture began after I received treatment from a Five-Element practitioner to support my recovery from a surgery to treat endometriosis. The impact on my overall health and well-being was so dramatic that I continued to have regular treatment and now would never go back to a life without acupuncture.
I turned to acupuncture again when I discovered that I would need help to get pregnant and found it really supported me during IVF treatment. It gave me the resilience to cope with the emotional strain of infertility as well as offering physical benefits to aid conception.
My experience as a patient inspired me to learn about the practice and study to become a Five-Element practitioner myself. I was trained by the respected acupuncture Master and fertility expert, Gerad Kite - founder of the Kite Clinic and was awarded my Licentiate in Acupuncture (Lic.Ac) by the London Institute of Five Element Acupuncture. After qualifying I worked alongside Gerad as one of the team of Kite Clinic practitioners on Harley Street before opening my own practice in Hertfordshire.
I have a particular interest in women's health and I am passionate about helping others facing infertility. I have seen first hand that acupuncture can work alongside western medicine for conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis and as a support for the physical and emotional strain of IVF.
I currently practice Five-Element acupuncture in Hertfordshire, including in my wonderful home town of Hitchin.
I am proud to be a member of AFEA and the Acupuncture Association. I am fully insured. I also offer FacialEnhance cosmetic acupuncture treatments.
Please feel free to get in touch with any questions or if you'd like to book a free 15 min phone consultation.
"After my most recent treatment with Emma I felt like I had a warm inner glow. There is something wonderful about having the focus and care of somebody for an hour - add in the magic of the needles and it is a strong recipe for profound change. I cannot recommend Emma more highly.”
Alex, London
"I cannot recommend Emma highly enough. She creates a very relaxed atmosphere and at every session I feel completely at ease. She’s also very informative and it’s been fascinating to learn about the reasons for each treatment. Emma - you have been great and really helped me. Thank you!"